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Symptoms endometriosis

Symptoms endometriosis

In most cases, endometriosis is subject to a hormone-induced monthly cycle, roughly that of the endometrium. These foci can therefore grow cyclically and also bleed during menstruation.

In most cases, endometriosis is subject to a hormone-induced monthly cycle, roughly that of the uterine mucosa. These foci can therefore grow cyclically and also bleed during menstruation.In contrast to the uterine lining, however, this bleeding does not reach the outside. This results in inflammatory reactions and adhesions, which can ultimately lead to adhesions, the formation of cysts and therefore also to an unfulfilled desire for children.

The symptoms and complaints of endometriosis are very diverse and can occur individually or in combination. Cyclical lower abdominal pain is the main focus, although the severity of the complaints is not always in direct proportion to the spread of endometriosis - even smaller endometriosis lesions can cause severe symptoms.

Use this list of complaints and symptoms to check whether endometriosis could be present in your case

Do you have:

  • Abdominal and back problems before and during menstruation
  • Strong and occasionally irregular period bleeding
  • Pain during and after sexual intercourse
  • Pain during urination or bowel movement
  • Pain during ovulation
  • Pain during gynaecological examinations
  • or are affected by unwanted childlessness?

If you experience one or more of these complaints, please speak to your responsible gynaecologist.