
Ergometry and spirometry

Beide diagnostische Verfahren helfen uns, die Belastbarkeit Ihres Herz-Lungen-Systems zu dokumentieren.

Ergometry is a very good indicator of your body's resilience. It gives our specialist doctors at the Heart Center Leipzig a good insight into how your heart is functioning, particularly under specific conditions. It is important to see how your body responds to stress and/or physical effort, and how efficiently it works under those conditions. If your results are abnormal, evaluation of our ergometric and spiroergometric findings will enable us to provide the appropriate treatment for your cardiovascular system.

Ergometry is a typical technique used to measure work performed - you are bound to have seen an ergometer at some time in your life, or may even own one. Because any apparatus used for endurance sports, such as exercise machines (stationary bikes) or treadmills, is in fact an ergometer. The only difference is that at the Heart Center Leipzig, ergometers are used for diagnosis rather than sport, and you will be attached to measuring equipment while you are using them.

The word 'ergometry' is a composite of the Ancient Greek words for 'work' and 'measure'. Translated into a medical context, this means that you produce physical effort and repeat it several times, with measurements being taken on each occasion.

Based on these measurements, your physical performance can be assessed and documented. Ergometry relies on endurance and multi-stage tests, but also cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. In spiroergometry, ergometry is combined with measurements of your lung functions in order to test the efficiency of your cardio-pulmonary system

 This might be done, for instance, to detect or assess the progression of heart disease. Ergometry can also be an important instrument for evaluating and minimizing risk, and for making a more advanced prognosis and deciding on the correct form of treatment.

Key to this are the cardiovascular data obtained under physical stress, which are used to support a diagnosis - especially in relation to heart and lung diseases.

Ergometry is ruled out in the case of acute myocardial infarction, cardiac insufficiency or cardiac arrhythmia where the patient is at risk.

Ergometry produces an electrocardiogram, better known as an ECG. This exercise ECG allows our doctors to read off your performance data. They can draw valuable conclusions from this about how your heart is performing and functioning, the risk of any scheduled operations, and even your life expectancy.

There is no need for any concern about the dangers or risks posed by such treatment. Not only are all important examinations conducted at the Heart Center by established, experienced experts in the field; ergometry is also a very routine procedure at our clinic, and a tried and tested area of medicine. It is no accident that one finds ergometers in the practices of registered doctors, in fitness studios, and even in private homes. Ergometry is harmless, but also important for what it tells us about your health and the future decisions that should be made about your treatment.

Sekretariat der Kardiologie


0341 865-1426, -1428


Montag bis Donnerstag: 07:00-18:00 Uhr
Freitag: 07:00-15:30 Uhr
Cardiodiagnostic examinations

Cardiodiagnostic examinations are conducted by the staff of our cardiology day clinic on the ground floor of the Heart Center. The advantage is that several examinations can be conducted on our patients on the same day, and if everything goes well, it will ultimately give us all the results we need to make a decision on how to proceed.