
Pediatric cardiac catheterization

Pediatric cardiac catheterization

In unserem modernen Kinderherzkatheterlabor führen wir Katheteruntersuchungen und Interventionen durch: mit vielen Vorteilen für unsere kleinen Patienten.

A gentle approach for the good of your child

Auf dem Weg in den Kinderherzkatheter

En route to a pediatric cardiac catheter procedure... our nursing and medical staff will take good care of your little one. Cardiac catheterization allows us pediatric cardiologists to carry out treatment today which would not have been possible just a few short years ago: to repair heart defects without any major, complex surgery which would prove traumatic for our young patients.

A minimum of discomfort and a high success rate - a summary of the treatment we offer:

  • Examinations of the heart using imaging techniques if, for instance, ultrasound proves inadequate
  • Treatment of narrowed blood vessels (stenosis), repairing the valves and the vessels
  • Repair of congenital heart defects, such as holes in the cardiac septum
  • Treatment for abnormal vascular connections (shunts, collaterals or fistulas)
  • In some cases, it may even be possible to replace the heart valve by catheter

What happens during pediatric cardiac catheter treatment?

  • On the day prior to catheterization, we will carry out preparatory examinations. Our doctors and anesthetists will once again provide you, the child's parents, with detailed information about the scheduled intervention.
  • Children must fast for a few hours before the procedure, i.e. they must not eat or drink. During this period, new-born babies and infants will be given an infusion.
  • While the children are still with their parents on the ward, a slight sedative will be administered before they are taken to the cardiac catheter laboratory.
  • The intervention itself will be performed without pain while the child is in a deep sleep.
  • Immediately after the procedure, your child will be returned to you on the ward. If monitoring is required after the intervention, he or she will be taken to the intermediate care ward. After a short time you will be able to join your child there on the ward.