Ihr Wahlarzt

The Doctor of Your Choice - Service and Billing

The Doctor of Your Choice - Service and Billing

Die Chefarztbehandlung als ärztliche Wahlleistung wird gesondert in Rechnung gestellt und erfolgt nach der Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ).

If you opt to be treated by the Head of Department, then this optional medical service will be invoiced separately, based on the German Medical Fee Index (GOÄ).

This applies equally to associated medical services, such as anesthesia, laboratory medicine, etc., which are also invoiced separately. The prices for optional medical services are difficult to estimate in advance; they depend on the time and materials expended, and on the complexity of the medical treatment. If you wish to take advantage of this additional service, we will be happy to advise you.

Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ) Downloadversion der Gebührenordnung (Quelle: PKV, 2008).

The German Medical Fee Index (GOÄ) is available for consultation in the patient reception area.

Please address any questions you may have directly to the manager in charge of optional services, Mrs. Olivia Obigt.

Useful advice

Ask your health insurance provider whether your coverage includes optional medical services during your inpatient stay.

We will be happy to assist if necessary.

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