COVID-19 –> information and vaccination centre

A wound is an open area of the skin. Normally such a wound heals within three weeks if there are no previous illnesses. However, in the case of a pre-existing condition, wound healing is delayed. After six weeks, the doctors then speak of a chronic condition that needs urgent treatment.

Chronic wounds are usually presented in the wound or vascular outpatient clinic. After the diagnostics and a suitable reason for treatment, we determine the further treatment concept together with you. We have the option of closing a wound with your own or artificial tissue. The ultimate goal is to act quickly and effectively in order to achieve optimal chances of healing. After treatment, we will look after you in regular follow-up appointments and will be available to you as a contact person during the entire healing process.

In case of an operation we offer the following state-of-the-art procedures:

  • Special skin grafts
  • Autohaemotherapy
  • Artificial skin grafting
  • Autologous skin grafting