The female breast decisively defines a woman's perception of her body. For many women, the possibility of breast reconstruction is a further step towards regaining their familiar body shapes and considering the disease as completed.
Breast reconstruction: The right procedure for every woman
With breast reconstruction, we can recreate very natural-looking breasts today. In general, we distinguish between reconstruction of the breast with implants or the patient's own tissue (autologous breast reconstruction). A combination of both procedures is also possible to achieve a good result. The actual breast reconstruction is possible with a certain emotional distance even months after the actual cancer operation.
Gentle breast reconstruction using your body's own tissue
Our plastic surgery specialists are particularly specialised in gentle breast reconstruction using your body's own tissue. The transplantation of skin and autologous fat from the abdomen, leg or buttock usually offers you the best possible result with the lowest risk of complications. The decisive advantage is that the tissue used is subject to your own metabolism: The breast feels natural, soft and warm. Microsurgical procedures ensure that no muscles are injured. Follow-up examinations, corrective or replacement operations, as required with implants, are not necessary.
Symmetry and adjustment
For women whose breasts no longer match outwardly after cancer surgery, advanced surgical techniques can lead to an improved symmetrical result. Thus, the restoration of the nipple, areola and desired symmetry is possible in a second operation.
Often the result of the reconstructed breast is aesthetically more pleasing than the natural breast on the opposite side. Then the healthy breast can be adapted to the good result of the reconstructed breast ( adjustment surgery).
Counselling and second opinion
We will discuss with you in detail which procedure is best suited to your personal situation. We are also happy to assist you with a second medical opinion. The detailed explanation of the different procedures as well as their chances and risks is an essential part of the treatment. This way you can make the right choice that suits your expectations.