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Body toning after severe weight reduction

Body toning after severe weight reduction

The result of successful weight loss is often excess tissue on the abdomen, upper arms, thighs and back, in addition to a new attitude to life.

Not everyone needs body contouring after bariatric surgery. Often, however, the skin is so stretched that it does not shrink with the rest of your body, leaving loose skin folds. These can cause rashes, infections and back pain. In addition, sagging skin can prevent you from being as active as you would like.

What is body toning after bariatric surgery?

Surgical body toning is a sub-speciality of plastic surgery with the aim of removing excess skin and fat and shaping the underlying supporting tissue. The benefits of body shaping are more than just cosmetic. Studies show that bariatric surgery patients who undergo body shaping subsequently gain less weight and have an improved quality of life than patients without body shaping.

Is body shaping the same as a tummy tuck?

At the Centre for Obesity and Metabolic Therapy (ZAM), we work hand in hand with the Clinic for Plastic Surgery to offer you various lifting operations, which are individually adapted to your body contour and take your health needs into account. We specialise in various types of body shaping operations, including abdominoplasty and breast lift as well as upper arm and thigh lift. A trunk and buttock lift are also possible.

The folds of skin on the abdomen are one of the leading problems after significant weight loss. It can cause pain, but also leads to skin changes underneath the skin folds and even problems with movement and choice of clothing. A tummy tuck can alleviate this discomfort by removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. A common procedure for tummy tuck is the so-called T procedure. This involves tightening the abdominal wall, both from top to bottom (sternum to pubis) and from left to right (from one iliac crest to the other), creating the characteristic T-scar.


Significant weight loss can lead to sagging and drooping breasts. The breast lift helps to correct the shape of the breast, remove excess skin and sculpt a youthful appearance. The incisions required in this procedure run around the nipple, vertically from nipple to inframammary fold and in the inframammary fold itself. The sensitivity of the nipple is usually preserved.

During an upper arm lift we remove the loose, sagging skin between the elbows and armpits. This procedure is often needed after a large weight loss. The sagging skin on the upper arms often leads to secondary complications, such as redness and inflammation in the  area of the armpit. The incision for the removal of the excess skin is in the area of the inner side of the upper arm from the armpit to the elbow.

Excess tissue in the area of the thighs can cause mobility to be greatly reduced and sporting activities to be severely limited. The constant rubbing of the skin folds against each other leads to skin irritation. During thigh lift surgery, we tighten the skin and muscles in the thigh area and support body shaping. The scar usually runs between the groin and the knee on the inner side of the thigh, as well as in the groin to the perineal region. In the case of very pronounced skin folds, there may be an additional scar above the knee or also in the area of the outer thigh.

The excess skin, especially in the area of the trunk, can be restrictive to movement. A normal choice of clothes is almost impossible. Especially on the back, physical hygiene is more difficult. Inflammations under the skin folds can be the result. In this case, a trunk lift can be helpful.