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Pain Management

Pain Management

Various methods are available to relieve pain during childbirth - from alternative methods to painkillers and epidural.

The experience of birth pains is very individual. If you need relief during the birth, we offer a wide range of obstetric pain therapies. If you have any questions about the different procedures, please contact us. We will be happy to advise you!

Birth pains are partly the result of anxiety, tension and insecurity. The best antidote to this comes from your own body: endorphins reduce the sensation of pain and promote the progress of the birth. These pain-relieving substances are released in greater quantities when you feel safe and secure during birth, have confidence in your strength and find your rhythm of birth.

We support you and your birth companions in this process as best as we can: with observation, discussions, thoughtfulness and respect for your decisions. We help you to move and find the right breathing rhythm and pay attention to your physical well-being.

Certain essential oils not only increase well-being but also support the body and psyche during birth. Oils can, for example, alleviate the sensation of pain, for example in a hot bath or in warm compresses. They can also be used to regulate contractions and help stretch the perineum.

The effect of acupuncture has been proven by studies. During childbirth, they can help relieve pain and to relax, promote the opening of the cervix, regulate labour or help the progress of the birth.

Depending on the situation, different points on the body are activated during application: by special, wafer-thin needles or by finger pressure (pressing).

Like other naturopathic methods, homeopathy encourages self-help without interfering with the body and the course of birth in an irritating way. During birth, homeopathic remedies can help to release tension, blockages, cramps and anxieties. The appropriate remedy is agreed individually with you by competent midwives.

Drugs cannot completely eliminate pain, but they can relieve it. In particular, they help to bridge periods of severe pain and to recover and relax during the breaks in labour.

If necessary, we can provide you with medication to relieve tension and pain - in the form of tablets, suppositories or injections. In individual cases, however, undesirable side effects may occur when taking them.

Livopan gas (laughing gas) is a medicine that can relieve the pain of labour at birth. It is inhaled like air and absorbed through the lungs. Livopan consists of half pure medical nitrous oxide and half pure medical oxygen.

Under the supervision of trained medical staff, such as a midwife, you can use it independently

Nitrous oxide can pass through the placenta, but negative effects on the baby are not known. Oxygen levels can increase the concentration of oxygen in your blood. This can be particularly beneficial for mother and baby during labour.

Die PDA ist eine sehr effektive Therapie gegen Geburtsschmerzen. Dabei wird ein dünner Katheter in den Wirbelsäulenbereich gelegt, über den während der Geburt kontinuierlich Schmerzmedikamente verabreicht werden. Dadurch werden die Nerven im Bereich der Lendenwirbelsäule betäubt und der Geburtsschmerz weitgehend ausgeschaltet.

The epidural is a very effective treatment for birth pains. A thin catheter is placed in the spinal area, through which pain medication is continuously administered during birth. This anaesthetises the nerves in the area of the lumbar spine and largely eliminates the pain of childbirth.

Our anaesthetists are available around the clock for the procedure. When you register your birth, you will receive detailed information about the procedure and the advantages and disadvantages of an epidural. As a rule, you will be mobile enough under an epidural to assume various delivery positions. Read more

Warmes Wasser sorgt für Entspannung, fördert den Geburtsfortschritt und lindert den Wehenschmerz. Entspannungsbäder sind daher in jeder Phase der Geburt beliebt.

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